A black and white silhouette of a tree on a white background.

Shade Trees

A black and white drawing of a person 's face with their eyes closed.
A large tree in a park with lots of branches and leaves.

Burr Oak

15 Gallon| 30 Gallon | 45 Gallon

A large tree with lots of leaves is in front of a building.

Cedar Elm

7 Gallon | 45 Gallon

A tree with red leaves is in front of a house.

Chinese Pistache

15 Gallon

A large tree with lots of leaves is in a park.

Chinquapin Oak

45 Gallon

A large tree with lots of leaves is in front of a house

Empire Live Oak

7 Gallon

A large tree in a yard with a truck parked underneath it.

Monterrey Oak

7 Gallon

A large tree with lots of green leaves is in a park.

Shumard Oak

7 Gallon | 45 Gallon

A large tree with red leaves is standing in the middle of a field.

Texas Ash

15 Gallon | 30 Gallon

A large tree with lots of leaves is in the middle of a field.

Lacey Oak

45 Gallon

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